Presentation Information
[2E09]Study on FPs removal effect on the containment penetrations during a severe accident(5) Experimental study on aerosol removal effect in a parallel-plate slit channel
*Tatsuki Hozumi1, Akihiro Kakoi1, Koji Morita1, Wei Liu1, Kohei Ono2, Koichi Nakamura2 (1. Kyushu Univ., 2. CRIEPI)
Severe accident,Fission products behavior,Containment penetration,Equipment hatch,Aerosol
Fission products (FPs) can be released from the containment failure parts to the environment through the reactor building in the event of a severe accident. To develop a mechanistic evaluation method for the amount of FP released from the containment failure parts, simulated tests on FP decontamination factor (DF) have been conducted using parallel plate slit test section representing a tongue-and-groove type flanges of “equipment hatches” or “drywell (D/W) heads”, which have a low DF among containment penetrations in light water reactors. In this report, we present the basic data obtained.
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