Presentation Information
[2F06]Nondestructive Quantitative Isotopic Analysis Using Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence
*Mohamed Omer1, Toshiyuki Shizuma1,2, Ryoichi Hajima2, Mitsuo Koizumi1 (1. JAEA, 2. QST)
Nondestructive analysis,NRF,Hf isotopes,W isotopes
A quantitative isotopic analysis of the natural metallic samples of hafnium (Hf) and tungsten (W) elements is presented. Hf and W targets were exposed to quasi-monochromatic gamma-ray beams generated by laser Compton scattering (LCS) at the high intensity gamma-ray source (HIgS) facility of Duke University. The gamma-ray beams, in the 2.4-3.2 MeV energy range, excited multiple nuclides simultaneously via the nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF). All excited transitions were employed to analyze the isotopic compositions of the targets. Particularly, the content of the even-mass naturally occurring isotopes of Hf and W was detected with high precision. The uncertainty of the measured abundances is 2.7-6.7%, while the deviation from the reference values ranges between 0.18-1.36%.
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