Presentation Information
[2L19]Study on the Methodology for Rational Treatment/Disposal of Contaminated Concrete Waste Considering Volume Reduction of Waste(3)Diffusion Behavior of Iodine in Cementitious Materials under Different Temperature Conditions
*Haruya Funayama1, Shinichirou Uematsu1, Naoko Watanabe1, Tamotsu Kozaki1, Yuka Morinaga2, Daisuke Minato2 (1. Hokkaido Univ., 2. CRIEPI)
Cementitious materials,I-125,Diffusion behavior,Temperature dependence,Activation energy
By conducting non-steady-state diffusion experiments using I-125, the apparent diffusion coefficients of iodine in hardened cement paste samples were determined under different temperature conditions. The diffusion behavior of iodine was discussed from the viewpoint of the activation energy for the diffusion which was obtained from the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficients
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