Presentation Information
[2N06]Delay impact evaluation for wet type spent-fuel transport packageLid bolt pull-out strength evaluation based on acceleration data
*Kenichi Hakozaki1 (1. National Maritime Research Institute)
Delay impact,Transport of radioactive material,9 m vertical drop test,Spent fuel transport cask,Pull-out force of lid bolts
In 9 m drop test required for spent-fuel transport cask, increasing in pull-out force of lid bolts due to delayed impact of the content is big issue for safety analysis of transport. In case of wet type cask, it was considered that delay impact is negligible because of internal water resistance. However, based on re-evaluation of existed acceleration data it is concluded that delayed impacts can occur even when there is no internal drop of the content. Based on the results a simple evaluation method for pull-out force of lid bolts is proposed.
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