Presentation Information
[2N09]Mass balance analysis of nuclear usage scenario with recycle of beneficial elements in high level radioactive waste
*Takumi Abe1, Takanori Sugawara1 (1. JAEA)
High level radioactive waste,Recycling,mass balance analysis,Nuclear fuel cycle,NMB code
JAEA has been developing technologies to recover and recycle beneficial elements such as Sr, Cs, Am, Mo, Pd, and rare earth elements in high-level radioactive waste by nuclide separation.
In this presentation, we describe the results of mass balance analysis of nuclear usage scenarios with the recycle of beneficial elements calculated by nuclear fuel cycle simulator NMB4, such as the reduction of the repository area by nuclide separation and the composition of the recovered elements.
In this presentation, we describe the results of mass balance analysis of nuclear usage scenarios with the recycle of beneficial elements calculated by nuclear fuel cycle simulator NMB4, such as the reduction of the repository area by nuclide separation and the composition of the recovered elements.
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