Presentation Information

[2N11]Challenge for screening of nuclear fuel debris by innovative spectral imaging and its verification by LIBS mapping(2) Preparation and evaluation of metallic debris simulants

*Hiroaki Muta1, Yukiya Sato1, Yuji Ohishi1, Takafumi Okita1, Kan Sakamoto2, Chisato Sakaguchi2, Ikuo Wakaida3, Hironori Ohba3, Murray Paul4 (1. Osaka Univ., 2. NFD, 3. JAEA, 4. Univ. of Strathclyde)


Hyperspectral Imaging,metallic debris

We propose the combination of Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) as a method for remotely analyzing materials in the 1F reactor. Metallic debris samples such as SUS and lead were prepared as simulants, and HSI measurements and analyses were performed.


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