Presentation Information

[2N21]Leaching behavior of elements from failed MOX fuel during wet storage

*Takeshi Sonoda1, Kenta Inagaki1, Kinya Nakamura1, Daniel Serrano-Purroy2, Vincenzo V. Rondinella2 (1. CRIEPI, 2. JRC-Karlsruhe)


damaged MOX fuel,leaching test,borated water,UO2 fuel,TMI-2 fuel debris

In order to clarify the leaching behavior of elements from the damaged MOX fuel during wet storage, leaching tests were carried out on sliced samples of spent MOX fuel in borated water. The characteristics of the leaching behavior of elements from MOX fuel are reported by comparing with the leaching behavior of spent UO2 fuel and TMI-2 fuel debris samples obtained previously.


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