Presentation Information
[2O08]Prediction and Extension of Lifetime of Reactor Pressure Vessel(2) Status and Challenges of Phase Diagrams Related to Ni-Si-Mn Precipitates
*Yoshitaka Matsukawa1, Hideki Yuya5, Minako Endou5, Hiroaki Muta2, Fumihiro Nakamori2, Ryuta Kasada3, Kenta Yoshida3, Mitsutaka Sato3, Kiyohiro Yabuuchi4, Masatake Yamaguchi6 (1. Kumamoto University, 2. Osaka University, 3. Tohoku University, 4. Kyoto University, 5. Chubu Electric Power Inc., 6. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
pressure vessel,materials,microstructure,precipitation,phase diagram
Validity of existing phase diagrams related to Ni-Si-Mn precipitates in the RPV steel has been examined in depth using experimental data obtained from single-phase ingots of Ni-Si-Mn intermetallic compounds fabricated by means of arc-melting.
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