Presentation Information
[3A05]Quantitative Evaluation of NRF Yield by Using F-LCS beam in UVSOR
*Hideaki Ohgaki1, Heishun Zen1, Toshiyuki Shizuma2, Takehito Hayakawa2, Mohamed Omer3, Kai Nishimoto1 (1. Kyoto University, 2. National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, 3. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
LCS gamma-ray beam,NRF,Isotope Ratio
We are conducting research on the F-LCS beam, which can obtain a flat energy spectrum and spatial distribution suitable for multi-isotope imaging at the BL1U beamline of UVSOR. We have succeeded in producing an F-LCS beam with an energy spread extending to the low energy part, while suppressing the high energy part of the quasi-monochromatic energy spectrum with the highest energy edge, which is characteristic of normal LCS beams. We have also confirmed that the scattering angle dependence of the energy of F-LCS beam is as expected. We will report the result of measurements of the isotope ratio of natural lead using the F-LCS beam, comparing it with a normal LCS beam.
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