Presentation Information
[3D02]Power Distribution Optimized in a Prismatic Type HTGR Using MgO-BeO as a Composite Moderator
*Irwan Simanullang1, Nozomu Fujimoto1 (1. Kyushu University)
Block-type HTGR,MgO-BeO moderator,Burnup,Power distribution,Burnable poison
In high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs), power distribution plays a prominent role in maintaining fuel temperature within safety limits under all operation conditions. In a previous study, the composite-based moderator MgO-BeO was investigated as a potential replacement for the graphite moderator in the HTGR. The results showed that a small block-type HTGR with 50 MWt power could achieve a burnup of 80 GWd/t. This study investigates the power distribution in the core using non-uniform fuel enrichment while maintaining the burnup target of 80 GWd/t. Moreover, several burnable poison materials were examined to reduce the high initial reactivity in the core.
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