Presentation Information

[3D09]MA transmutation metal-fueled core concept assuming coexistence scenario with light water reactors

*Koji Fujimura1, Junichi Miwa1, Takeshi Mitsuyasu1, Sho Fuchita2, Daisuke Watanabe2, Hirotaka Nakahara2 (1. Hitachi, 2. HGNE)


sodium-cooled fast reactor,metal fuel,minor actinides (MAs),void reactivity,doppler coefficient

We are considering a scenario in which light water reactors and fast reactors can coexist sustainably by reprocessing the spent fuel of MOX fueled light water reactors and supplying Pu to metal-fueled fast reactors. In this scenario, we developed a core concept for an MA transmutation metal-fueled fast reactor to transmute all minor actinides (MAs) produced in light water reactors and reduce the toxicity of high-level radioactive waste (HLW). By loading MAs into the axial blanket, which has a small effect on the reactivity coefficient of the reactor core, it was possible to achieve an amount of MA transmutation that exceeded the target value, and it was feasible to achieve the coexistence scenario.


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