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[3E10]Study on Eutectic Melting Behavior of Control Rod Materials in Core Disruptive Accidents of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors(36) Project Overview and Progress until 2023
*Hidemasa Yamano1, Toshihide Takai1, Yuki Emura1, Hideo Higashi2, Hiroyuki Fukuyama2, Koji Morita3, Kinya Nakamura4, Zeeshan Ahmed5, Marco Pellegrini5, Tsuyoshi Nishi6 (1. JAEA, 2. Tohoku Univ., 3. Kyushu Univ., 4. CRIEPI, 5. Tokyo Univ., 6. Ibaraki Univ.)
Sodium-cooled fast reactor,Core disruptive accident,Boron carbide,Stainless steel,Eutectic
A research project has been conducting thermophysical property measurement of a eutectic melt, eutectic melting reaction and relocation experiments, eutectic reaction mechanism investigation, and physical model development on the eutectic melting reaction for reactor application analysis in order to simulate the eutectic melting reaction and relocation behavior of boron carbide as a control rod material and stainless steel during a core disruptive accident in an advanced sodium-cooled fast reactor designed in Japan. This paper describes the project overview and progress until JFY2023.
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