Presentation Information
[3G01]Development of Seismic Isolation Device for Sodium Fast Reactor PlantPart 1 : Development Background and Device
*Tomohiko Yamamoto1, Masato Uchita2, Shigeki Okamura1, Masashi Miyazaki1, Tomoyuki Hirayama3 (1. JAEA, 2. JAPC, 3. MFBR)
Sodium fast reactor,Horizontal seismic isolation device,3-dimensional seismic isolation device
This series will report on the horizontal and 3-dimensional seismic isolation devices for use in fast reactor plants in Parts 1 to 5.
Part 1 introduces the development background, device configuration, and specifications of the seismic isolation devices.
Part 1 introduces the development background, device configuration, and specifications of the seismic isolation devices.
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