Presentation Information

[3G03]Development of Seismic Isolation Device for Sodium Fast Reactor PlantPart 3 : Development of Three-Dimentional Seismic Isolation System

*Tomoyuki Hirayama1, Tomohiko Yamamoto2, Ryota Morobishi3, Masaki Yukawa3, Misaki Nakamura4 (1. MFBR, 2. JAEA, 3. OBAYASHI, 4. Kawakin Core-Tech)


Sodium Fast Reactor Plant,Three-Dimensional Seismic Isolation System,DIsc Spring Units,Sliding Elements

The three-dimentional seismic isolation device has the disc spring unit, vertical oil dampers, the sliding elements and the horizontal support structures to obtain vertical restoring force and damping force in addition to the thick laminated rubber and the horizontal oil damper of the horizontal seismic isolation device introduced in Part 2. In this part, we will report on the load displacement characteristics and friction characteristics as the element test results of the disc spring units and sliding element at 1/2 scale.


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