Presentation Information
[3G07]Feasibility Study of Integral Molten Chloride Salt Fast Reactor (IV)(2) Safety analysis
*Hiroyasu MOCHIZUKI1 (1. Beyond Energy R&D Association)
Molten Salt Fast Reactor,Two-phase flow,Neutronics-Thermalhydraulics coupling,Safety Protection System Bypass,RELAP5-3D,FLUENT
A molten salt fast reactor does not have control rods due to inherent safety characteristics. The reactor is in a two-phase flow condition due to He bubbles injected by FP removal. Various transients were analyzed with a neutronics and thermal-hydraulics coupling model using the RELAP5-3D code and FLUENT code inplemented a neutronics model with UDF, under the condition that the safety protection system is bypassed. The transients are UTOP, USBO, ULOFF, and ULOHS. Daily load-following characteristics were also analyzed.
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