Presentation Information
[3H11]A Fully Explicit GPU-Accelerated DEM-MPH Method for Simulating Debris Bed Formation with Micro Scale Debris
*Ryo Yokoyama1, Shuichiro Miwa1, Koji Okamoto1 (1. Univ.Tokyo)
Computational Fluid Dynamics,Severe Accient,Debris Bed,Parallel Computation,Particle Method
In the scenario of a CDA (Core Disruptive Accident) in fast reactors, rapid quenching leads to the formation of fine debris, which then accumulates on the core catcher. While there are several experimental studies on this phenomenon, numerical simulations are quite limited due to the computational complexity involved. Therefore, to directly calculate the formation of such fine particle debris bed, we have developed a new fully explicit DEM-MPH method utilizing the computational power of GPUs. This presentation reports on the parallelization performance and V&V (Verification and Validation) of our in-house DEM, as well as the current development stage of the DEM-MPH method.
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