Presentation Information
[3I_PL02]Initiatives to Utilize Nuclear Power Toward Achieving GX
*Katsuyuki Tada1 (1. METI)
The latest information on the global energy situation, including the rise in energy prices such as crude oil and natural gas due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as well as major changes in the global energy supply-demand structure as we move away from dependence on Russia, will be introduced, and the current status of the return to nuclear power, including the development of small and innovative reactors due to rising expectations for nuclear power generation will be The current status of the return to nuclear power, including the development of small and innovative reactors, due to rising expectations for nuclear power, will be explained.
The presentation will also outline the "Basic Policy for GX Realization" and nuclear energy policy, which was presented as a key issue to achieve both a decarbonized society and a stable energy supply, and to put the Japanese economy on a growth trajectory in light of the global energy situation.
The presentation will also outline the "Basic Policy for GX Realization" and nuclear energy policy, which was presented as a key issue to achieve both a decarbonized society and a stable energy supply, and to put the Japanese economy on a growth trajectory in light of the global energy situation.
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