Presentation Information

[3J09]Geopolitical considerations on business models of nuclear energy industory

*Kiyoshi Tsutsui1,2,3, Takashi Watanabe3,4, Kazuaki Sasaki3 (1. Asiapacific Corporation, Ltd., 2. Center of Advanced Research for Human-AI Symbiosis Society (HASS), Keio university, 3. Clean Energy Initiative, 4. Doshisha university)


geopolitics,Nuclear power generation,business models,capitalism

One of the conclusions from the previous presentation on the meeting of AESJ was that the business of the nuclear energy industry should be ``related to national security'' regarding the necessity of nuclear power. If so, business models are necessarily subject to geopolitical considerations. In addition to geopolitical factors that have traditionally been discussed, such as fuel supply chains and nuclear waste disposal methods, the transformation of capitalism is also an important factor in business models.


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