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[3K02]Development of regeneration technology for used extractant-impregnated adsorbent
*Akihiro Ogawa1, Kenta Katsuki1, Tsuyoshi Arai1, Yasunori Miyazaki2, Sou Watanabe2, Yuichi Sano2, Masayuki Takeuchi2 (1. Shibaura Inst. of Tech., 2. JAEA)
MA(III) separation,Extraction chromatography,Extractant-impregnated adsorbent,TEHDGA,n-dodecane
To regenerate extractant-impregnated adsorbent used in the MA(III) separation process from High-Level radioactive Liquid Waste (HLLW), the stripping and re-impregnation of the extractant was performed. The results of this study showed that shaking the TEHDGA-impregnated adsorbent with n-dodecane resulted in the stripping of about 80% of the extractant, and reimpregnation with the same solvent was confirmed to activate the adsorption performance.
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