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[3M13]Hexavalent Chromium Detoxification Treatment at Fugen処理実績の報告
*Wataru Fujiwara1, Kazuhiko Hashimoto1, Nobuyuki Hamada1, Toshiyuki Osaki1 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
fugen,hexavalent chromium,detoxification treatment,reduction
Fugen reactor has iron-water shielding which is to shield against gamma rays and neutrons generated by fuel irradiation.This shielding is heated by thermal conduction from reactor. A shield cooling system is installed to cool it. Potassium chromate, which is stable under radiation, is added to the cooling water in the shield cooling system as a corrosion inhibitor.This contains hexavalent chromium compounds, which are toxic to the human body.Treatment of this cooling water is necessary for dismantling this cooling system.We have installed hexavalent chromium detoxification equipment that detoxifies harmful hexavalent chromium into harmless trivalent chromium and have carried out detoxification treatment. In this case, we report on the results of this detoxification treatment.
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