Presentation Information
[3N03]Behavior of chromium-coated zirconium alloy fuel rods in simulated beyond design basis accident(2) Comparison of single layer Cr and bi-layer Cr/CrN coated Zircaloy-4 fuel bundles
*Kinya Nakamura1, Kenta Inagaki1, Juri Stuckert2, Martin ŠEVEČEK3 (1. CRIEPI, 2. KIT, 3. CTU)
Light Water Reactor Fuel,Advance Technology Fuel,Beyond Design Basis Accident,Zirconium Alloy,Fuel Bundle
Integral tests of fuel bundles with single layer Cr and bilayer Cr/CrN coated Zircaloy-4 cladding tubes were carried out under beyond design basis accident conditions using an induction heating furnace at CRIEPI's DEGREE facility. The effects of different coating materials and achieved temperatures on the accident behavior and differences from single rod tests are reported.
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