Presentation Information
[3N08]New Developments in Nuclear Fuel Research through Integration with Data Science(11)Selection of novel high thermal conductivity nuclear fuels based on machine learning and physical property evaluation of U2Ti
*Ryusuke Torata1, Yuji Ohishi1, Hiroaki Muta1, Yifan Sun2, Masaya Kumagai2,3,4, Ken Kurosaki2 (1. Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering, 2. Kyoto University Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, 3. Sakura Internet, 4. RIKEN)
machine learning,nuclear fuel materials,uranium compounds,U2Ti,high thermal conductivity
U2Ti was selected from uranium compounds predicted to have high thermal conductivity by machine learning. High-density single-phase samples were prepared using arc melting and spark plasma sintering. The temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity was evaluated using the laser flash method and compared with the machine learning predictions.
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