Presentation Information
[3O07]Study on coating technic to enhance accident tolerance of fuel cladding II(1) Overview of accident tolerant coating technic studies and apparatus development in JAEA
*Shinichiro Yamashita1, Afiqa Mohamad1, Yoshiyuki Nemoto1, Yasutaka Soma1, Yasuhiro Ishijima1, Tomonori Sato1, Ikuo Ioka1, Hai vu Pham1, Shuhei Miwa1, Kunihisa Nakajima1 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Light Water Reactor,Safety Improvement,Accident Tolerance,Fuel Cladding
JAEA is promoting the characerization of various coating tubes as part of fundamental research that contributes to the practical application of coated fuel cladding aiming at improving accident tolerance. In this presentation, overall outline, the new test equipment under construction, and highlight results of the vapor oxidation characteristic evaluation test for coated claddings will be presented.
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