Presentation Information
[3O09]Study on coating technic to enhance accident tolerance of fuel cladding II(3) Metallographic evaluation of Cr-coated cladding after oxidation test in high temperature steam
*Keito Kawai1, Yuki Fujimura2, Keietsu Kondo2, Yosuke Abe2, Norito Ishikawa2, Yoshiyuki Nemoto2, Shinishiro Yamashita2, Yasuhiro Ishijima2, Koudai Funamoto3, Hisao Atsumi1 (1. Kindai Univ., 2. JAEA, 3. Tocalo)
light-water reactor,safety improvement,accident tolerance,fuel cladding
In the previous report, we reported on the differences in oxidation and hydrogen absorption behavior of Zircaloy-4 cladding specimen and specimen with chromium (Cr) coating on its outer surfaces when they were subjected to oxidation tests in high temperature steam at 1100°C for 20 minutes. In this report, we describe the details of the cross-sectional observation of these specimens and the results of the evaluation of the differences in the shape and distribution of hydrides and other substances depending on the presence or absence of Cr coating.
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