Session Details

[1I_PL]The hierarchy of risk-related standards and the use of standards, guidelines and technical reports

Wed. Sep 11, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM JST
Wed. Sep 11, 2024 4:00 AM - 5:30 AM UTC
Room I(Recture RoomsB 1F B103)
Chair:Takashi Takata(UTokyo)

[1I_PL01]Significance and concept of a hierarchy of risk-related standards.

*Yukihiro Kirimoto1 (1. CRIEPI)

[1I_PL02]Status of hierarchy of standards (Internal Event Level 1 PRA standard, Seismic PRA standard)

*Kazunori Hashimotoi1, *Yoshiyuki Takahashi1 (1. CRIEPI, 2. KAJIMA)


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