Session Details

[2F18-22]Nuclear Data Application

Thu. Sep 12, 2024 4:55 PM - 6:15 PM JST
Thu. Sep 12, 2024 7:55 AM - 9:15 AM UTC
Room F(Recture RoomsA 2F A202)
Chair:Atsushi Kimura(JAEA)

[2F18]SEKIGUCHI Three-body Nuclear Force Project(1) Introduction of the Three-body Nuclear Force Project and Current Issues

*Tokio Fukahori1, Hideaki Otsu2, Seiya Sakai2, Osamu Iwamoto1, Nobuyuki Iwamoto1, Futoshi Minato3, Kimiko Sekiguchi4 (1. JAEA, 2. RIKEN, 3. Kyushu Univ., 4. Tokyo Tech)

[2F19]SEKIGUCHI Three-body Nuclear Force Project(2) Expansion into Applied Science and Nuclear Data Research

*Hideaki Otsu1, Osamu Iwamoto2, Hidetoshi Kikunaga3, Mikako Ogawa4, Tokio FUKAHORI2, Seiya Sakai1, KImiko Sekiguchi5 (1. RIKEN Nishina Center, 2. JAEA, 3. RARIS, Tohoku Univ., 4. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido Univ., 5. Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

[2F20]SEKIGUCHI Three-body Nuclear Force Project(3) Development of a calculation system contributing to the consideration of production methods for Auger electron emitters

*Seiya Sakai1, Hideaki Otsu1, Osamu Iwamoto2, Nobuyuki Iwamoto2, Shinsuke Nakayama2, Hidetoshi Kikunaga3, Tokio Fukahori2 (1. RIKEN, 2. JAEA, 3. Tohoku Univ.)

[2F21]Production of JENDL-5 AMPX Continuous Energy Library

*Chikara Konno1 (1. JAEA)


*Hideo Kawarada1 (1. Independent)

Time reserved for Chair