Session Details

[3D10-11]Space Reactors Design Design

Fri. Sep 13, 2024 2:45 PM - 3:20 PM JST
Fri. Sep 13, 2024 5:45 AM - 6:20 AM UTC
Room D(Recture RoomsA 1F A106)
Chair:Satoshi GUNJI(JAEA)

[3D10]Conceptual design of a long-life small lunar reactor using slightly enriched uranium

*Hiroki Yaguchi1, Naoyuki Takaki1, Jun Nishiyama1 (1. TOKYO CITY UNIVERSITY)

[3D11]Conceptual design of neutron propulsion engine for deep space exploration

*Naoyuki Takaki1, Sou Masumoto1, Jun Nishiyama1 (1. Tokyo City University)

Time reserved for Chair