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[★1P-171]Curcumin analogue A exhibited antitumor effects at lower concentrations than Curcumin in glioblastoma cells
○Ryo Ito1, Toshihide Hamabe1, Masaya Ono1, Sonoka Iwashimizu1, Kyoko Inai1, Shunsuke Nakanishi1, Yoichi Sunagawa1,2,3, Yasufumi Katanasaka1,2,3, Yoshiki Arakawa4, Masatomo Miura5, Koji Hasegawa1,2, Tatsuya Morimoto1,2,3 (1.Molecular Medicine, The Department of Pharmacy, University of Shizuoka, 2.Division of Translational Research, Kyoto Medical Center, 3.Shizuoka General Hospital, 4.Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto Univ., 5.Akita Univ.)
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