Oranizers :Hiroki Ueda (Department of Systems Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo ), Satomi Adachi-Akahane (Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Toho University) and Yoichi Minami (Department of Systems Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo )
Oranizers :Takuya Sasaki (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University) and Takeshi Hiyama (Graduate School and Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University)
Sponsored by : AMED-JST Collaboration Area: "Multi-Sensing"
Oranizers :Kato Fusao (Center for Neuroscience of Pain, Jikei University School of Medicine) and Mizuho Kido (Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Saga University)
JAA : Scientific Committee, PSJ : Science and Research Committee, JPS : Research Promotion Committee
Oranizers :Masatoshi Morimatsu (Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University) and Yohei Yamaguchi (Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya City University)
Oranizers :Youichirou Ootsuka (Flinders University, College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders Health Medical Institute) and Takayuki Ishiwata (Rikkyo University, College of Sport and Wellness)
Oranizers : Hideki Hayashi (School of Pharmacy, Department of Applied Biochemistry, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences) and Akihiro Mouri (Department of Regulatory Science, Fujita Health University Graduate School of Medical Sciences.)
Oranizers : Sen Takeda (Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Teikyo University) and Taichiro Tomida (Department of physiology, Faculty of medicine, Toho university)
Oranizers :Utako Yokoyama (Department of Physiology, Tokyo Medical University) and Kazuaki Yoshioka (Department of Physiology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Sciences)
Oranizers :Yasu-Taka Azuma (Laboratory of Prophylactic Pharmacology, Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Osaka Metropolitan University ) and Hideaki Tagashira (Department of Integrative Physiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Akita University)
Oranizers :Sho Kakizawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology) and Shigeki Moriguchi (Tohoku University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Oranizers :Hotta Harumi (TOKYO METROPOLITAN INSTITUTE FOR GERIATRICS AND GERONTOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE) and Tominaga Makoto (Nagoya Advanced Research and Development Center)
PSJ : Editorial Board of the Journal of Physiological Sciences
Oranizers :Toshihiko Yanagita (Department of Clinical Pharmacology, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine,University of Miyazaki), MIe Kuroiwa (Yokohama University of Pharmacy) and Takeshi Yamaguchi ( Laboratory of Anatomy & Physiology, Faculty of Nursing, Shikoku University)
JAA : Committee for Education of Medical Specialists, PSJ : Cooperation with Other Societies, JPS : the nursing pharmacology conference
Oranizers :Motokazu Uchigashima (Department of Cellular Neuropathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University) and Takahiro Furuta (Department of Oral Anatomy and Neurobiology, Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University)
Oranizers :Takeo Yoshikawa (Department of Neuropharmacology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine) and Motoko Maekawa (Department of Organ Anatomy, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine)
Oranizers :Masanari Umemura (Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine ) and Yuanyuan Guo (Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences (FRIS), Tohoku University)
Oranizers :Hiroko Izumi-Nakaseko (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Toho University) and Tomoe Y. Nakamura-Nishitani (Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Wakayama Medical University)
Oranizers :Yasuyuki Osanai (Division of Histology and Cell Biology, Department of Anatomy, Jichi Medical University) and Ai Nakashima (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
Oranizers :Tomoe Nakamura-Nishitani(Dept. Pharmacology, Wakayama Medical University, School of Medicine) and Shuhei Tomita(Department of Pharmacology, Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Medicine)
Oranizers :Wataru Otsu (Department of Biomedical Research Laboratory, Gifu Pharmaceutical University) and Junko Nio-Koybayashi (National Research Center for the Control and Prevention of Infectious Diseases, Nagasaki University)
Oranizers :Hirotaka Nagai (Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Division of Pharmacology) and Mutsumi Yokota (Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine)
Oranizers :Yuhei Nishimura (Department of Integrative Pharmacology, Mie University Graduate School of Medicine) and Masaki Saito (Department of Molecular Physiology and Pathology, School of Pharma-Sciences, Teikyo University)
Oranizers :Yuri Kato (Department of Physiology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science) and Akiko Ogawa (Tohoku University, Institute of Development, Aging and Caner)
Oranizers :Madoka Suzuki (Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University) and Takuma Sugi (Program of Biomedical Science, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University)
Sponsored by : Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B)「Trans-scale thermal signaling in muscle/Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B)「Creation of multi-scale 4D biology」
Oranizers :Hiroshi Shimoda (Department of Anatomical Science, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine) and Yoshiko Kawai (Division of Physiology, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University)
Oranizers :Hisaharu Yamada (Mediford Corporation, Dpt. of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Science) and Teisuke Takahashi (Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)
JPS : Academic Planning Committee for Annual Meeting
Oranizers :Nozomu Nakamura (Department of Integrative physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hyogo Medical University) and Tadachika Koganezawa (Department of Neurophysiology, Division of Biomedical Science, Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba)
Oranizers :Hiroshi Nomura (Institute of Brain Science, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences) and Chitoku Toda (Department of Neuroscience for Metabolic Control, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University)
Oranizers :Junko Kurokawa (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka) and Hitoshi Shiku (Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)
Joint Session : The Electrochemical Society of Japan, PSJ : Cooperation with Other Societies Committee
Oranizers :Katsumori Segawa (Tokyo Medical and Dental University) and Tomohiko Taguchi (Tohoku University)
Joint Session : The Japanese Society for Immunology, Sponsored by : Reevaluation of self-recognition by immune system to decipher its physiological advantages and pathological risk
Oranizers :Hiroyuki Konishi (Department of Functional Anatomy and Neuroscience, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine) and Jun Hatakeyama (Department of Brain Morphogenesis, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics, Kumamoto University)
Oranizers :Toru Takumi (Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, Kobe University School of Medicine.) and Tsuyoshi Inoue (Department of Physiology of Visceral Function and Body Fluid, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University, Japan)
Sponsored by : The Smoking Research Foundation
Young Investigator Award (YIA) Award-Nominated Abstract(1:40 PM - 3:30 PM JST)
Oranizers : Hideki Enomoto (Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine) and Kazunori Nakajima (Department of Anatomy, Keio University School of Medicine)
YIA Anatomy Group : YIA Anatomy Group
Young Investigator Award (YIA) Award-Nominated Abstract(3:40 PM - 5:30 PM JST)
Oranizers : Takuma Kitanishi (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo) and Hajime Sato (Meikai University School of Dentistry, Division of Pharmachology)
Oranizers : Hiroyuki Hioki (Graduate School of Medicine, Juntendo University) and Masahiro Yamaguchi (Department of Physiology, Kochi Medical School, Kochi University)
Cranial nerve II : Cranial nerve II
Young Investigator Award (YIA) Award-Nominated Abstract(1:40 PM - 3:30 PM JST)
Oranizers : Gen Ohtsuki (Department of Drug Discovery Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University) and Reiko Hanada (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurophysiology, Oita University)
YIA Physiology Group : YIA Physiology Group
Young Investigator Award (YIA) Award-Nominated Abstract(3:40 PM - 5:30 PM JST)
Oranizers : Hirohiko Okamura (Department of Oral morphology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University) and Tsutomu Matsubara (Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka Metropolitan University)
Oranizers : Masakazu Agetsuma (National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Institute for Quantum Life Science) and Yoshio Bando (Dept. of Anatomy, Akita Univ. Grad. Sch. of Med.)
Oranizers : Sae Uchida (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology) and Fumitaka Osakada (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya University)
Sensory , Motor function : Sensory , Motor function
Oranizers : Masataka Okabe (The Jikei University School of Medicine) and Takeshi Takarada (Department of Regenerative Science Graduate School of Medicine,Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, OKAYAMA UNIVERSITY)
Intracellular signaling, Embryology, Regenerative Medicine : Intracellular signaling, Embryology, Regenerative Medicine