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[2YIA17a-1]Anatomical variations in the lumbosacral plexus can affect the radiculopathy in lumbar intervertebral disc herniation: Potential of the 12th rib as a predictor and implications for diagnosis

Hidaka Anetai1,2, Juri Teramoto3,4, Takafumi Ono2, Toshiaki Kiribayashi2, Hidetoshi Nojiri3,4, Koichiro Ichimura2 (1.Sch of Health Sci, The Tokyo Univ of Tech, 2.Dept of Anat, Juntendo Univ Sch of Med, 3.Dept of Orthop Surg, Juntendo Univ Hosp, 4.Ctr Spine Spinal Cord, Juntendo Univ Hosp)

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