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[3O06a-09(ST14-11)]Enriched environment attenuates chronic unpredictable mild stress-induced depression-like behaviors and suppression of synaptic formation of newborn neurons by changing microglial phenotypes

Masaya Hasegawa1, Akihiro Mouri1,5, Kazuo Kunisawa1, Kurahashi Hitomi1, Sakata Takatoshi1, Sugai Tomoya2, Kutsumura Noriki2, Saito Kuniaki3,4,5, Nabeshima Toshitaka4,5 (1.Dept. Regulatory Sci., Grad. Sch. Med Sci., Fujita Health Univ., 2.WPI-IIIS, Tsukuba Univ, Ibaraki, Japan, 3.Adv. Diagnostic. Syst. Res. Lab., Grad. Sch. Health Sci., Fujita Health Univ, 4.Lab Health Med Sci inov, Fujita Health Univ, 5.NPO J-DO)

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