Presentation Information

[ST10-03(2P-210)]Microglial Dysfunction Contributes to Age-Related Anxiodepressive Behaviors

Miku Yokohata1, Yoki Nakamura1, Keisuke Ikeda1, Kazue Nakashima1, Yukio Ago2, Ayami Sato3, Yoshitaka Kondo3, Akihito Ishigami3 (1.Dept. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health Sci., Hiroshima Univ., 2.Dept. Cell. Mol. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health Sci., Hiroshima Univ., 3.Mol. Reg. Aging, Tokyo Metro. Inst. Geriatr. Gerontol.)

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