Session Details
[1P]Embryology, Regenerative Medicine, Development, Growth, Aging
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 5:40 PM - 6:40 PM JST
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 8:40 AM - 9:40 AM UTC
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 8:40 AM - 9:40 AM UTC
Exhibition Hall
[1P-211]On the origin of the turtle shell
○Hiroshi Nagashima1, Masaki Takechi2, Noboru Sato1 (1.Department of Anatomy, Institute of Medicine and Dentistry, Niigata University, 2.Department of Anatomy and Life Structure, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine)
[1P-212(ST10-06)]Factors determining human midgut loop formation: The impact of midgut length, diameter, and location
○Nanase Ishida1, Yui Ueda1, Maki Kakeya1, Jun Matsubayashi2, Toru Kanahashi1, Hirohiko Imai3, Hiroki Otani4, Shigehito Yamada1,5, Tetsuya Takakuwa1 (1.Human Health Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2.Center for Clinical Research and Advanced Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu 520-2192, Japan, 3.Department of Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 4.President of Shimane University, Shimane, Japan, 5.Congenital Anomaly Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan)
[1P-213]Three-dimensional analysis of maxilla, mandible, and teeth at early human fetal stage
○Haruna Aoe1, Toru Kanahashi1, Hirohiko Imai2, Hiroki Otani3, Shigehito Yamada1,4, Tetsuya Takakuwa1 (1.Human Health Science, Grad. Sch. Med., Kyoto Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. Inf., Kyoto Univ., 3.President of Research and Globalization, Shimane Univ., 4.Congenital Anomaly Research Center, Grad. Sch. Med., Kyoto Univ.)
[1P-214]Similar spatiotemporal distribution patterns of c-Mpl-positive and Ang-1-positive cells during tooth germ development
○Masataka Sunohara, Kazuto Shimada, Miyoko Yokoyama, Kingo Suzuki (Department of Anatomy, School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, The Nippon Dental University)
[1P-215]Foot and hand morphogenesis during human embryonic development
○Yuki Yamato1, Koki Matsuda1, Jun Matsubayashi2, Toru Kanahashi1, Hirohiko Imai3, Akio Yoneyama4, Shigehito Yamada1,5, Tetsuya Takakuwa1 (1.Human Health Science, Grad. Sch., Med., Kyoto Univ., 2.Center for Clinical Research and Advanced Med., Shiga Univ. of Med.Sci, 3.Department of Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto Univ., 4.SAGA Light Source, 5.Congenital Anomaly Research Center, Grad. Sch. of Med.,Kyoto Univ.)
[1P-216]Lineage tracing using Wnt2b-2A-CreERT2 knock-in mice reveals the contribution of Wnt2b-expressing cells to novel subpopulations of mesothelial/epicardial cell lineages
○Masanori Takahashi1,2, Takayuki Isagawa2,3, Tatsuyuki Sato2, Norihiko Takeda2, Kiyoshi Kawakami4 (1.Div. Cell Biol. & Anat. Jichi Med. Univ., 2.Div. Cardio. & Metab. Jichi Med. Univ., 3.Data Sci. Cent. Jichi Med. Univ., 4.Jichi Med. Univ.)
[1P-217]To elucidate biological mechanism for the cardiac lumen morphogenesis through a blood fluidic force stimulation
○Hajime Fukui (IAMS, Tokushima University)
[1P-218]TMEM182 promotes cardiac fibroblast formation by sustaining activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling during myocardial differentiation of human iPS cells
○Hirofumi Morihara1, Shunichi Yokoe1, Shigeo Wakabayashi1,2, Shinji Takai1,3 (1.Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 2.Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Osaka Aoyama University, 3.Department of Innovative Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University)
[1P-219]Differences in the stiffness of the palatal shelf epithelium along the anterior-posterior axis in mouse embryos
○Arata Nagasaka1, Yasuhiko Bando1, Miyuki Toda1, Go Onozawa1, Kaito Suzuki1, Takaki Miyata2, Osamu Amano1 (1.Meikai Univ., 2.Nagoya Univ.)
[1P-220]Analysis of Olig gene family in Iberian ribbed newt Pleurodeles waltl
○Yuki Sato1, Shinichi Hayashi1, Ryouhei Seki-Omura1, Souichi Oe1, Taro Koike1, Yousuke Nakano1, Hikaru Iwashita1, Yukie Hirahara2, Masaaki Kitada1 (1.Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Kansai Medical University, 2.Faculty of Nursing, Kansai Medical University)
[1P-221]Investigation of the role of Cux genes for migration of mouse neocortical excitatory neurons during development by using i-GONAD
○Ayako M. Kitazawa1,2, Satoshi Yoshinaga1,2, Minkyung Shin2, Kanehiro Hayashi2, Hitomi Sano2, Koji Oishi2, Ken-ishiro Kubo1,2, Kazunori Nakajima2 (1.The Jikei University, 2.Keio University)
[1P-222]Wolffian duct differentiation in male mice
○Masayo Harada, Tomoko Kitabata, Georgina Djameh, Keiichi Akita (Institute of Science Tokyo)
[1P-223]Ganglionic Eminences Formation in the Human Fetus
○Miyu Kumagai1, Toru Kanahashi1, Hirohiko Imai2, Hiroki Otani3, Gentaro Taga4, Tetsuya Takakuwa1 (1.Human Health Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, 2.Department of Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, 3.President of Research and Globalization, Shimane University, 4.Department of Physical and Health Education, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo)
[1P-224]Regulation of Yamanaka factor gene expression by transglutaminase 2 during the acute phase of zebrafish optic nerve regeneration.
○Kayo Sugitani, Yuya Omori, Takumi Mokuya (Div Health Sci, Grad Sch Med Sci, Kanazawa Univ.)
[1P-225]Chronological single-cell RNA-Seq for NR5A1-positive cells in the spleen
○Kanako Miyabayashi-Shima1, Tetsuya Sato2, Yushi Sugihara1, Miki Inoue1, Yuichi Shima1 (1.Kurume Univ., 2.Saitama Medical Univ.)
[1P-226]Blockade of neuromuscular activity increases the formation of neuromuscular junctions in pectoral fin buds of developing medaka fish
○Ken-ichi Soma, Keisuke Watanabe, Hiroshi Nagashima, Noboru Sato (Division of Gross Anatomy, Niigata University)
[★1P-227]Developing a novel human fatty liver model using iPSC-derived organoids
○TOMOKI KAMIYA, Yoshiki Kuse, Shinsuke Nakamura, Masamitsu Shimazawa (Gifu Pharmaceutical University)
[★1P-228]Analysis of Tbx4 Lung Mesenchymal Enhancer (Tbx4LME) Using Zebrafish
○Kana Kaburagi1, Norifumi Tatsumi2, Tohru Yano2, Takanori Shono2, Masataka Okabe2 (1.4th-year, Dept. of Med., Jikei Univ. Sch. of Med., 2.Dept. of Anat., Jikei Univ. Sch. of Med.)
[★1P-229]Ibuprofen induced mineral differentiation of dental pulp cells.
○Takamasa Yoda1, Daisuke Torii2, Takeo Wakayama Tsutsui2 (1.The Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo, 2.The Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry at Tokyo Department of Pharmacology)
[★1P-230]Histological identification of the timing of appearance of NR5A1-positive cells in the spleen and the onset of differentiation into spleen-specific endothelial cells
○Yushi Sugihara, Kanako Shima-Miyabayashi, Miki Inoue, Yuichi Shima (Kurume Univ.)