Session Details

[1S03e]Math and Biology in the Age of Huge Data and Computation

Mon. Mar 17, 2025 3:40 PM - 5:30 PM JST
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 6:40 AM - 8:30 AM UTC
Room 3
Oranizers :Yuji Ikegaya (The University of Tokyo) and Kenji Doya (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)
Sponsored by : Union of Brain Science Associations in Japan
Mathematics has demonstrated its full power in physics, which describes the phenomena of this world, from the functioning of celestial bodies to thermodynamics and electromagnetics. Biology, on the other hand, has focused primarily on the qualitative aspects oflife's diversity through observation and has historically been a discipline often distanced from mathematics. However, with the explosion of data generated by innovations in measurement technology, mathematical analysis, and mathematical models have become indispensable tools that allow us to delve deeper into the fundamental principles of life phenomena, from molecules to ecosystems. This symposium brings together experts in mathematics and biology to explore recent advances and future opportunities in mathematical biology and to unravel the mysteries of life.

[[OD]1S03e-1]An introduction to discrete mathematics of phylogenetic networks: from basic concepts to recent advances

Momoko Hayamizu (Waseda University)

[[OD]1S03e-2]Neural Data Analysis and Mathematics

Ryota Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo)

[1S03e-3]Mathematical modeling of effect of Gap Junction in Cerebellar Granule Layer on its dynamics and computation

Keita Tokuda (Faculty of Health Data Science, Juntendo University)

[[OD]1S03e-4]Manifolds for Explainable Data Driven Science

Gerald M Pao1,2 (1.Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), 2.Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego)