Session Details

[1S07m]Cutting edge of subcellular neurobiology

Mon. Mar 17, 2025 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 11:30 PM - 1:20 AM UTC
Room 7
Oranizers :Shin-ya Kawaguchi (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University) and Haruyuki Kamiya (Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University)
Neural circuits in the brain are highly sophisticated biological hardware enabling ultra-fast parallel computation of concurrent sensory-to-motor transformation with reference to their internal memories. For understanding mechanisms underlying fast and efficient computation in the nervous system, microscopic analysis of the structure and the function of synapses and axons, as functional elements of neuronal components, is essential. In this symposium, we aim to overview and search trends of subcellular neurobiology research elucidating unknown physiological functions of synapses and axons, by challenging experimental difficulties arising from the analysis of small structures. Functional analysis of organelles in axons using novel microscopy techniques, the mechanisms of action of novel cannabinoid receptors on the presynaptic terminals, co-transmission mechanisms of dual neurotransmitters from the presynaptic terminals, the possibility of local control of the propagation of axonal spike, will be introduced. Future directions for offering cutting-edge strategies for innovation in subcellular neurobiological research will be discussed.

[1S07m-1]Local control of the propagation of action potential along hippocampal mossy fiber

Haruyuki Kamiya (Department of Neurobiology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine)

[1S07m-2]The mechanisms of glutamate/GABA co-release at supramammillary nucleus-dentate granule cell synapses.

Himawari Hirai1, Kohtarou Konno2, Miwako Yamasaki2, Masahiko Watanabe2, Takeshi Sakaba1, Yuki Hashimotodani1 (1.Doshisha University, 2.Hokkaido University)

[1S07m-3]Properties and functions of axonal mitochondria in cortical pyramidal neurons

Yusuke Hirabayashi1, Yudan Du1, Tomoka Ishiyama1, Tommy Lewis2, Yasufumi Takahashi4, Franck Polleux3 (1.School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, 2.Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, 3.Department of Neuroscience, Columbia University, 4.Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)

[[OD]1S07m-4]GPR55 lowers sensitivity of synaptic vesicles to action potentials in Purkinje cell axon terminals

Takuma Inoshita, Shin-ya Kawaguchi (Dept. of Biophysics, Grad. Sch. of Science, Kyoto Univ.)