Session Details

[1S08m]Multifaceted approaches to signaling systems underlying dynamic changes in biological events

Mon. Mar 17, 2025 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 11:30 PM - 1:20 AM UTC
Room 8
Oranizers :Sho Kakizawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology) and Shigeki Moriguchi (Tohoku University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
In living organisms, "dynamic changes in biological events" are observed at various levels, from cells to whole organisms. Elucidation of the signaling mechanisms that underlie these changes is essential for understanding the pathogenesis of diseases caused by abnormal enhancement or inhibition of these dynamic changes, and for developing novel therapeutic strategy. This symposium will feature four speakers proceeding advanced research on the signaling systems underlying the dynamic changes in various biological events, such as differentiation, aging, disease onset, and acquisition/extinction of memory, and will bring about a multi-modal approach to the dynamic changes in biological events. This symposium aims to propose new strategies for controlling biological functions and treating diseases based on the understanding of signaling systems, and brings together researches using morphological, physiological and pharmacological approaches. Thus, this symposium fits well with the concept of the joint meeting of the three societies. Despite the high expectations for the significance and applications of the research mentioned above, a symposium of this kind has not been planned at our annual meeting, at least for the past few years. Furthermore, each topics at this symposium has been published in top journal within the past two years, or just before submittion. Therefore, this symposium is expected to attract a large audience, and it is very timely to hold this symposium at this annual meeting.

[1S08m-1]Regulation of cognitive function via calcium signal

Shigeki Moriguchi (Research Center for Pharmaceutical development, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University)

[1S08m-2]Genetic approaches to understanding memory decline in aging and dietary contexts

Ayako Tonoki (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University)

[[OD]1S08m-3]Image-Based Covariation Network Analysis of Proteins in Signal Transduction Pathways

Fumi Kano (Institute of Science Tokyo)

[1S08m-4]Determining the Direction of Cerebellar Synaptic Plasticity by Redox Signaling

Sho Kakizawa (Dept. Memory Neurosci., Tokyo Metro Inst. Geriatrics & Gerontology)