Session Details

[1S11e]Next-generation research toward objectively elucidating pain

Mon. Mar 17, 2025 3:40 PM - 5:30 PM JST
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 6:40 AM - 8:30 AM UTC
Room 11
Oranizers :Yasunori Takayama (Showa University) and Kenta Maruyama (Aichi Medical University)
Pain sensation, a life-or-death mechanism, sometimes causes unbearable psychological distress. However, the elucidation remains subjective in modern times. Some scientific advancements including the discovery of TRPV1, neural network analysis, and the development of fMRI leads us the overall understanding of pain. However, it is essential to comprehensively clarify everything from the peripheral to the central tissue, from the molecular to the biological level, from basic to clinical research, and the field of informatics. In order to resolve this issue, we believe that mutual understanding between researchers across organizations is important. Therefore, this symposium would be an opportunity for researchers in various research fields to come together is a chance to think about the next-generation explorations. We hope this connection between scientists weaves the genealogy of each field.

[[OD]1S11e-1]Involvement of TRPV1/ANO1 interaction in tharmal pain sensation

Yasunori Takayama (Dep. Physiol, Showa Univ Shc Med)

[1S11e-2]Anterior cingulate cross-hemispheric projection to the claustrum governs the nocifensive responses to conflicting painful input

Keisuke Koga1, Kenta Kobayashi2, Makoto Tsuda3, Anthony Pickering4, Hidemasa Furue1 (1.Hyogo Medical University, 2.National Institute of Physiological Sciences, 3.Kyushu University, 4.University of Bristrol)

[1S11e-3]The Relationship Between Synaptic Plasticity and Inflammation in the Brain Leading to Pain Modulation

Yukari Takahashi1, Takao Okuda1, Sawako Uchiyama1,2, Naoko Sato1, Manami Yajima1,3, Fusao Kato1 (1.Jikei University School of Medicine, 2.Kyusyu University, 3.Tsurumi University)


Kenta Maruyama (Aichi Medical University)