Session Details

[1S12e]Potential of primary cilia as therapeutic targets

Mon. Mar 17, 2025 3:40 PM - 5:30 PM JST
Mon. Mar 17, 2025 6:40 AM - 8:30 AM UTC
Room 12
Oranizers :Yuhei Nishimura (Department of Integrative Pharmacology, Mie University Graduate School of Medicine) and Masaki Saito (Department of Molecular Physiology and Pathology, School of Pharma-Sciences, Teikyo University)
The primary cilium, an antenna-like structure of the plasma membrane, works as the signaling hub to sense the stimuli through receptors and channels localized in the cilia and to transduce the signals into the cells. Recent advances in anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology have revealed how primary cilia regulate physiological functions and how dysregulation of primary cilia can cause diseases. These findings have boosted the efforts to develop novel therapeutic approaches targeting primary cilia. The scope of this symposium is to integrate the current knowledge and opinions of primary cilia about their potential as therapeutic targets.

[[OD]1S12e-1]The physiological roles of primary ciliary resorption and its potential as therapeutic targets

Masaki Saito (Teikyo Univ.)

[[OD]1S12e-2]Cholesterol in the ciliary membrane as a therapeutic target against polycystic kidney

Tatsuo Miyamoto (Yamaguchi University)

[[OD]1S12e-3]Characterization of primary ciliated cells in inflammatory skin disease using Visium HD

Manami Toriyama (Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci.)

[1S12e-4]Exploration of therapeutic agents targeting trichoplein-mediated ciliogenesis

Yuhei Nishimura (Department of Integrative Pharmacology, Mie University Graduate School of Medicine)