Session Details

[2P]Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, Neuronal cell biology Neurons, Synapses

Tue. Mar 18, 2025 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 6:40 AM - 7:40 AM UTC
Exhibition Hall

[2P-043]The non-epigenetic pharmacological effects of valproic acid on synaptic related molecules in mature cultured neurons

Rin Takagi1, Astrella Devina1, Takae Hirasawa1,2 (1.Graduate School Science and Engineering, Teikyo University, 2.Department of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University, Utsunomiya, Japan)

[2P-044]Local sustained Ca2+ influx through Orai3 channels triggered by repetitive glutamate inputs at Purkinje cell dendrites

Riku Okawa, Shin-ya Kawaguchi (Dept. of Biophysics, Grad. Sch. of Science, Kyoto Univ.)

[2P-045]Determinant factor for functional diversity of presynaptic Ca2+ influx and release in distinct types of neurons

Jinsun Kang, Shin-ya Kawaguchi (Dept. of Biophysics, Grad. Sch. of Science, Kyoto Univ.)

[2P-046]Stress-induced experience-dependent plasticity of axo-axonic cells

Ryota Hayashi1, Miki Nakashima1, Yuji Ikegaya1,2, Shota Morikawa1,3 (1.Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan., 2.Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan, 3.Graduate School of Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan)

[2P-047(ST02-13)]Localization and function of desmosomal component protein Plakophilin-2 in hippocampal neurons

Miu Hayashi, Chinami Saika, Akinori Takayama, Kaito Hannoe, Itsuki Shimada, Jin Nakatani, Toshinori Sawano, Hidekazu Tanaka (Graduate School of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)

[2P-048]Functional analysis of small GTPase Rab6 for the neuronal polarization and brain formation.

Masataka Kunii, Yu Zhang, Akihiro Harada (Dept. Cell Biology, Grad. Sch. Med., Osaka Univ.)

[2P-049]Single-molecule dynamics of calcium channels at a cerebellar mossy fiber terminal.

Daiki Kobayashi1, Yuji Okamoto1, Tomofumi Yoshida2, Rio Toyofuku3, Yasukazu Hozumi4, Shigeo Takamori2, Takeshi Sakaba3, Takafumi Miki1 (1.Department of Cell Physiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Akita University., 2.Laboratory of Neural Membrane Biology, Graduate School of Brain Science, Doshisha University., 3.Laboratory of Molecular Synaptic Function, Graduate School of Brain Science, Doshisha University., 4.Department of Cell Biology and Morphology, Graduate School of Medicine, Akita University.)

[2P-050(ST02-11)]Evaluation of the morphology of Hippocampal CA3 Thorny Excrescence

Miku Shigyo, Hidekazu Tanaka, Toshinori Sawano, Jin Nakatani, Takashi Kitagawa, Naruaki Shigematsu (Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences Laboratory)

[2P-051]NALCN channels in arginine vasopressin-producing neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus are required to determine the period length of circadian rhythm and maintain its resilience.

Takashi Maejima1, Yusuke Tsuno1, Tomoyuki Fujiyama2, Yousuke Tsuneoka3, Hiromasa Funato2, Masashi Yanagisawa2, Michihiro Mieda1 (1.Grad Sch Med Sci, Kanazawa Univ, 2.IIIS, Univ of Tsukuba, 3.Fac Med, Toho Univ)

[★2P-052]Molecular principles underlying the diversity of presynaptic active zone nanostructures at mammalian central synapses

Kodai Ikeda, Kenzo Hirose, Hirokazu Sakamoto (Department of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)

[★2P-053]Stress type-specific molecular alterations in the postsynaptic density along the hippocampal dorsal-ventral axis

Kazuma Ise, Hinako Shimono, Kento Noda, Junichiro Ikeda, Hirokazu Sakamoto, Kenzo Hirose (Department of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)

[★2P-054]Analysis of Synaptic Molecular Changes in the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus Caused by Social Isolation Stress

Kento Noda, Hirokazu Sakamoto, Kenzo Hirose (Department of Pharmacology, Graduate school of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)

[★2P-055]Quantitative Analysis of Synaptic Molecular Changes in the Cerebellum of Depression Model Mice

Hinako Shimono, Hirokazu Sakamoto, Kenzo Hirose (The University of Tokyo)

[★2P-056]Synapse type-specific SAPAP nanostructures determine glutamate receptor distribution in the postsynaptic density

Aiko Yokoyama, Kenzo Hirose, Hirokazu Sakamoto (Department of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)