Session Details
[2S08m]How to rejuvenate the Japanese academic journals
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 11:30 PM - 1:20 AM UTC
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 11:30 PM - 1:20 AM UTC
Room 8
Oranizers :Sen Takeda (Department of Anatomy, Teikyo University School of Medicine) and Junko Kurokawa (Department of Bio-Informational Pharmacology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka)
JAA : Anatomical Science International(ASI)Editor-in-Chief, PSJ : Editorial Board of the Journal of Physiological Sciences, JPS : Journal of Pharmacological Sciences Editor-in-Chief
Academic journals are facing at drastic chnages in the last decade. While major journals spread their influences by starting sister journals covering broad specific area, those run by academics confront significant issues like decrease in submission, difficulty in assigning suitable referees, and costs for the open access. Moreover, scientifically illegal business such as “paper mills” becomes rampant, urging us to handle these issues appropriately. In this session, we have a short talk by Kiyoshi Kitamura, one of the bona fide controversialists in this field, who engaged in drafting and revising “the Guidelines for Medical Journal Publication” by the Japanese Association of Medical Journal Editors”. Following his talk, we have a discussion forum, where the speaker and Editor-in-Chief from three medical associations join as panelists. Going through active discussion with the floor audience, we aim at finding a new way to challenge the forthcoming new era.
[[OD]2S08m-1]Endangered academic journals: Status quo and strategies for a survival
○Sén Takeda (Teikyo University School of Medicine)
[[OD]2S08m-2]International Collaboration through International Journal Activities
○Junko Kurokawa (University of Shizuoka, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
[2S08m-3]Strategies for activation of Japanese Medical Journals: From the Viewpoint of JAMJE
○Kiyoshi Kitamura (Japanese Association for Medical Journal Editors: Chair)