Session Details

[2S13a]Inflammation, disease and metabolism

Tue. Mar 18, 2025 1:40 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 4:40 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
Room 13
Oranizers :Owada Yuji (Department of Organ Anatomy, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine) and Takashi MaruYama (Chiba University)
Th17, which contributes to the worsening of autoimmune diseases (eg. Multiple sclerosis, Periodontal disease), enhances glucose metabolism. Tregs, which contributes to the suppression of autoimmune diseases, enhances lipid metabolism. On the other hand, aging contributes to a decline in glucose metabolism, pathogenicity of Th17 and is also considered a risk factor for autoimmune diseases.Periodontal disease, which increases with age, is related to the crosstalk between the microbiome, bone resorption, and Th17, and findings on this crosstalk were presented from the perspective of metabolism. Periodontal disease is also a risk factor for heart failure. It is known that cardiac fibrosis occurs with the progression of heart failure, and metabolism is also involved in the control mechanism.In this session, we will introduce findings that elucidate inflammation and disease from a metabolic perspective, and hope to promote interdisciplinary research between anatomy and pharmacology. We also expect that discuss about metabolism as a new therapeutic target.

[2S13a-1]The role of FABPs in macrophages in diseases

Hirofumi Miyazaki, Yuji Owada (Department of Organ Anatomy, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University)

[[OD]2S13a-2]Fibroblast-specific PRMT5 deficiency and pharmacological PRMT5 inhibiton suppress cardiac fibrosis and left ventricular dysfunction in mice

Yasufumi Katanasaka1,2,3, Tatsuya Morimoto1,2,3 (1.Division of Molecular Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka, 2.NHO Kyoto Med. Centr., 3.Shizuoka General Hosp.)

[2S13a-3]Role of intestinal microbiota in DNA methylation-mediated T cell senescence and tumorigenesis.

Hiroko Nakatsukasa (Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University)

[2S13a-4]Glycolysis and Th17 cell

Takashi Maruyama (Chiba University)

[[OD]2S13a-5]Fibroblast-Mediated Mucosal Pathology in the Oral Cavity

Tomoko Ikeuchi, Belmaliz Cardona Rodriguez, Niki Moutsopoulos (National Institutes of Health)