Session Details

[2S14a]Collaborative efforts of industry, academia, and government to provide appropriate therapies for children

Tue. Mar 18, 2025 1:40 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 4:40 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
Room 14
Oranizers :Hiroyuki Kawagishi (National Institute of Health Sciences) and Aki Murashima (Nagoya City University)
The delay and loss of drugs and devices are serious problems in pediatric medicine. The Japanese government states that there is an urgent need to promote the development of therapeutic drugs and medical devices for children. In order to provide appropriate therapies for children, it is important to extrapolate drugs and devices approved for adults to children, and to advance basic research to understand the pathophysiological characteristics of children. However, variations in the etiologies and backgrounds of pediatric diseases, along with the cost-benefit issues and limited enrollment in pediatric clinical trials faced by the industry, hinder the development of appropriate pediatric drugs and devices. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to advance research in pediatric medicine through industry-academia-government collaboration. This symposium aims to present recent insights from anatomical, physiological, and pharmacological research on drug development and medical engineering, as well as key considerations for pediatric medical research suggested from industry and regulatory perspectives. Our goal is to facilitate discussion on how to expand pediatric medical research, fostering the launch of innovative pediatric drugs and devices.

[2S14a-1]Embryological Reconsideration of Fetal Venous Return Pathway Formation; Implications for Abnormal Venous Return

Aki Murashima1, Shizuka Abe2 (1.Department of Integrative Anatomy Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, 2.Department of Pediatrics, Iwate Medical University)

[[OD]2S14a-2]Challenges in the development of human-derived decellularized vascular grafts

Utako Yokoyama1, Takashi Nakamura1, Masaru Kaku2, Yusuke Nomura3 (1.Tokyo Medical University, 2.Niigata University Graduate School Medical and Dental Science, 3.National Institute of Health Sciences)

[[OD]2S14a-3]Non-clinical safety assessments using human cells for pediatric drug development

Hiroyuki Kawagishi1,2, Mitsuhiko Yamada2, Yasunari Kanda1 (1.National Institute of Health Sciences, 2.Shinshu Univ.)

[[OD]2S14a-5]Facilitation of Pediatric Drug Development: from an Academic Perspective

Hidefumi Nakamura (National Center for Child Health and Development)