Session Details

[2S14m]Chronoproteinology: Molecular mechanisms of the circadian rhythms and seasonal responses

Tue. Mar 18, 2025 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 11:30 PM - 1:20 AM UTC
Room 14
Oranizers :Hikari Yoshitane (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science) and Takashi Yoshimura (Nagoya University)
Sponsored by : Transformative Research Areas (A) "Chronoproteinology"
This symposium is co-organized with Transformative Research Areas (A) "Chronoproteinology". The biological rhythms and timers count “time" on multiple scales from seconds to years, such as heartbeats, segmentation clock, circadian rhythms, seasonal responses, and bamboo flowering. We will introduce phenomena and the mechanisms of these biological rhythms and timers. As the molecular mechanisms responsible for counting biological time scales, we will focus on protein-protein interactions, post-translational modifications, conformational changes, and translational control.

[2S14m-1]Circadian Proteome atlas in mouse tissues using the next-generation mass spectrometer Orbitrap Astral

Hikari Yoshitane1,2 (1.Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, 2.Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo)

[2S14m-2]Molecular mechanisms of the circadian clock in green algae

Takuya Matsuo (Department of Biosciences, School of Science, Kitasato University)

[[OD]2S14m-3]Impact of dysregulation of clock protein degradation on brain functions

Arisa Hirano, Norie Deki, Takeshi Sakurai (University of Tsukuba, Institute of Medicine/IIIS)

[2S14m-4]Reexamination of the mechanism of oscillation and phase control of clock genes based on parametric control in translation

MASAO DOI (Kyoto University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences)

[2S14m-5]Molecular mechanism of vertebrate seasonal adaptation

Takashi Yoshimura (Nagoya University)