Session Details

[2S16a]Anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology pioneered by advanced technologies

Tue. Mar 18, 2025 1:40 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 4:40 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
Room 16
Oranizers :Ayano Chiba (Department of Pharmacology, Yamagata University School of Medicine), Yuuki Fujiwara (United Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka University) and Yuki HATTORI (Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University)
JAA : The Japanese Association of Anatomists Young Researchers Association, PSJ : Young Physiologists, JPS : association of next generation scientists
Cutting-edge technologies lead to breakthroughs beyond existing research fields. The goal of the symposium is to generate new research ideas among the participants through presentations by the next generation scientists, nominated by each society, who are actively researching using innovative technologies. We will share the opinions of scientists who have achieved results using the established technologies in their respective fields and the ideas of scientists who are developing new technologies. In addition, we will introduce and discuss the unestablished challenging technologies. We hope that the symposium will contribute to the creation of new experimental methods and techniques.

[2S16a-1]Unraveling microglial colonization mechanisms through in vivo imaging in the embryonic mouse brain

Yuki Hattori (Nagoya University)

[2S16a-2]Neuronal Circuit-Specific Proteomics Reveals the Molecular Landscape Governing Memory Retrieval

Tetsuya Takano1,2 (1.Division of Molecular Systems for Brain Function Kyushu University Institute for Advanced Study Medical Institute of Bioregulation, 2.PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency)

[2S16a-3]Applying a transparent genetically tractable fish model Danionella to cardiovascular research

Koji Ando, Kikuchi Kazu (National cerebral and cardiovascular center)

[2S16a-4]Uncovering neural substrates for deciding timing of self-initiated locomotion with large-scale electrophysiological neural recordings

Masayoshi Murakami, Kazuo Kitamura (University of Yamanashi)

[2S16a-5]Imaging neuronal and glial cell structure in thick brain tissue using super-resolution techniques

Yutaro Kashiwagi, Yuka Sato, Shigeo Okabe (Department of Cellular Neurobiology, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo)

[[OD]2S16a-6]Advancements in Life Sciences and Drug Discovery in the AlphaFold Era

Masahito Ohue (Institute of Science Tokyo)