Session Details

[3P]Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, Neuronal cell biology Neurohistochemistry, Neurochemistry

Wed. Mar 19, 2025 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM JST
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 6:40 AM - 7:40 AM UTC
Exhibition Hall

[3P-036]Analysis of whole-mount spinal cord and spinal column, clearing and immunostaining

Masaaki Yoshikawa, Yoichi Sumi, Isumi Toda, Mamoru Uemura (Osaka Dental Univ. Dept. Anatomy)

[3P-037]The role of oligodendrocytes and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in cocaine-induced addiction-like behaviors in mice

Jun Yamada, Tomoki Nomiyama, Shoichiro Maeda, Iinuma Kyoko, Shozo Jinno (Kyushu Univ)

[3P-038]Exploring the anxiolytic effects of phytoestrogen genistein in a mouse model of atopic dermatitis

Riko Mutaguchi, Jun Yamada, Kyoko Iinuma, Shozo Jinno (Kyushu Univ)

[3P-039]Differences in cerebellar developmental abnormalities caused by changing the timing of in utero exposure to Heated Tobacco Vapor

Yuto Ueda1, Sachiko Yoshida1,2 (1.Department of Applied Chemistry and Life Science Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, 2.Center for Diversity and Inclusion, Toyohashi Univ of Technol, Toyohashi, Japan)

[3P-040(ST02-10)]Effects of in utero exposure to organophosphate pesticide and dimethyl sulfoxide on cerebellar development

Shougo Kanno1, Yasunari Kanda2, Sachiko Yoshida1,3 (1.Toyohashi University of Technology, 2.National Institute of Health Science, 3.Centre for Diversity and Inclusion)

[3P-041]Analysis of the expression of HAP1, endogenous α-Synuclein, and phosphorylated α-Synuclein in the mouse olfactory bulb

Ko-hei Masumoto1, kanako Nozaki1, Md Nabiul Islam1, Akie Yanai2, Koh Shinoda1,3 (1.Division of Neuroanatomy, Department of Neuroscience, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, 2.Department of Basic Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, 3.School of Human Care Studies, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences)

[3P-042]Expression of odorant receptors in the olfactory organ of red-bellied short-necked turtle, Emydura subglobosa

Shoko Nakamuta, Takuya Yokoyama, Yoshio Yamamoto, Nobuaki Nakamuta (Iwate University, Lab of Veterinary Anatomy)

[3P-043]Glyoxal Immersion Fixation is a Useful and Effective Method that Expands Immunohistochemical Applications in Neuroscience Research

Kotaro Konno, Yamasaki Miwako, Watanabe Masahiko (Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Hokkaido University)