Session Details

[3S02m]How do humans work to live together with humans, other organisms, and xenobiotics in the earth?

Wed. Mar 19, 2025 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 11:30 PM - 1:20 AM UTC
Room 2
Oranizers :Hiroshi Hibino (Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University) and Akahane Satomi (School of Medicine, Toho University)
Sponsored by : TEAM project, The Japanese Medical Science Federation
30 years later ― DX, life infrastructure, and personalized medicine will be dramatically advanced. People will regularly communicate in virtual space, and the elderly will have fruitful days. Nonetheless, the complicated lifestyle will the environment and organisms, inducing serious diseases. To resolve these problems, The Japanese Association of Anatomists, The Physiological Society of Japan, and the Japanese Pharmacological Society has begun a collaboration for ONE HEALTH, which integrates the protection of all flora and fauna and the health of the earth and space. In this symposium, experts in a variety of fields will discuss how humans work to live together with humans, bacteria, viruses, and xenobiotics, and robots in the earth.

[[OD]3S02m-1]Viruses and Humans: Symbiosis and Breakdown

Yumiko Imai (Research Institute, Nozaki Tokushukai Hospital)

[3S02m-2]The role of the mucosal epithelium as an interface in the interaction of the host and bacteria

Shunsuke Kimura (Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University)

[[OD]3S02m-3]Symbiosis between humans and xenobiotics from the perspective of comprehensive molecular toxicology

Satoshi Kitajima (Division of Cellular & Molecular Toxicology, Center for Biological Safety & Research, National Institute of Health Sciences)

[[OD]3S02m-4]The neural basis of intersubjectivity: a hyperscanning functional magnetic resonance imaging approach

Norihiro Sadato1,2 (1.Ritsumeikan University, 2.National Institute for Physiological Sciences)

[[OD]3S02m-5]Symbiosis between humans and robots

Ryosuke Chiba (Shinshu University)