Session Details
[3S09a]Neural Computations in the Visual Pathway: From Cellular Compartments to Interareal Communications
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 1:40 PM - 3:30 PM JST
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 4:40 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 4:40 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
Room 9
Oranizers :Sato Tatsuo (Kagoshima University, School of Medicine and Dentistry) and Benucci Andrea (Queen Mary University of London, School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences)
PSJ : International Relations
The mouse visual system has been actively used as a model system in neuroscience in recent years. This model system has advanced our understanding of the brain at various levels, from microscale computations such as cellular compartmental processing to macroscale computations such as interareal communications. This symposium aims to bring together researchers from Japan and Europe to report and discuss the latest findings on neural computations at various scales.
[3S09a-1]Regulation of visual cortical plasticity by nNOS-expressing interneurons
○Yumiko Yoshimura (National Institute for Physiological Sciences)
[[OD]3S09a-2]Independent cellular responses to luminance and motion in the mouse superior colliculus
○Keisuke Yonehara1,2 (1.National Institute of Genetics, 2.Aarhus Univ.)
[3S09a-3]A dendritic basis for sensory tuning in the primary visual cortex
Tatsuo Sato, ○Yuki Kambe (Kagoshima Univeristy, Schoole of Medicine)
[[OD]3S09a-4]Efficient coding of texture images in the mouse visual cortex
○Andrea Benucci (Queen Mary University of London)