Session Details

[3S13m]Updated issues on Alport syndrome research

Wed. Mar 19, 2025 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM JST
Wed. Mar 19, 2025 11:30 PM - 1:20 AM UTC
Room 13
Oranizers :Hirofumi Kai (Kumamoto University) and Kandai Nozu (Kobe University)
Drug development for chronic kidney disease is a major societal challenge. To date, pharmacological drug discovery strategies of national and international pharmaceutical companies have been developed using mouse models of Alport syndrome. In this symposium, international Alport syndrome researchers will present their latest research findings and discuss drug discovery strategies.

[[OD]3S13m-1]Current Status and Challenges in the Development of Therapeutics for Alport Syndrome

Kandai Nozu (Kobe University)

[[OD]3S13m-2]Genetic Associations with Hematuria Highlight Type IV Collagen

Moumita Barua (Toronto General Hospital)

[[OD]3S13m-3]Manipulation of the Kidney Glomerular Filtration Barrier and Implications for Alport Syndrome

Jeffrey Miner1, Kohei Omachi2, Meei-Hua Lin1 (1.Washington University School of Medicine, 2.RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Kobe)

[[OD]3S13m-4]Basement membrane dynamics in Alport syndrome

Rachel Lennon (University of Manchester)

[[OD]3S13m-5]A novel NRF2 activator added to angiotensin receptor blocker attenuates progressive phenotype in Experimental Alport Syndrome

Hirofumi Kai (Global Center for Natural Resources Sciences, Kumamoto University)