Session Details

[ST01]Short talk 01

Tue. Mar 18, 2025 4:50 PM - 5:50 PM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 7:50 AM - 8:50 AM UTC
Room 4
Oranizers : Takahide Itokazu (Graduate School of Medicine, Neuro-Medical Science/ Molecular Neuroscience, Osaka University) and Jaerin Sohn (Department of Systematic Anatomy and Neurobiology, Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University)

[ST01-01(1O06m-06)]Involvement of the transcription factor SRF on ECS-induced functional changes in the hippocampal dentate gyrus.

Yuua Yonekura (Tokyo university of science)

[ST01-02(1O06m-09)]Elucidating the mechanism of intraventricular macrophage infiltration into the embryonic pallium through a novel observational method

Futoshi Murayama, Yuki Hattori (Nagoya Univ. Graduate School of Medicine)

[ST01-03(1P-003)]Adult neurogenesis in the ventral hippocampus decreased among anmial models of neurodevelopmental disorders

LIHAO SUN, Takuma Mori, Nobuhiko Ohashi, Katsuhiko Tabuchi (Shinshu University)

[ST01-04(1P-007)]ATF6 branch of the unfolded protein response is required for the normal brain development in mouse

Loc Dinh Nguyen1, Huong Ly Nguyen1, Dat Xuan Dao1, Tsuyoshi Hattori1, Mika Takarada-Iemata1, Hiroshi Ishii1, Takashi Tamatani1, Masato Miyake2, Seiichi Oyadomari2, Kazutoshi Mori3, Osamu Hori1 (1.Department of Neuroanatomy, Kanazawa University, 2.Tokushima University, 3.Kyoto University)

[ST01-05(2P-005)]Role of the transcription factor CREB in antidepressant-like effects in the hippocampus

Yusuke Sumitomo, Sayoko Yui, Naoto Sakai, Yutaka Kanda, Eri Segi-Nishida (Department of Biological Science and Technology, Faculty of Advanced Engineering, Tokyo University of Science)

[ST01-06(1O06m-07)]Quantitative in toto live imaging analysis of apical nuclear migration in the mouse telencephalic neuroepithelium

Tsukasa Shimamura, Takaki Miyata (Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine)

[ST01-07(2P-001)]Analysis of the regulatory mechanisms of myelin-related gene expression in fetal mice brains using a novel polypeptide

Izumi Ikezawa1, Norihisa Bizen1, Hirohide Takebayashi1,2 (1.Division of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University, 2.Center for Anatomy, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University)

[ST01-08(1O06m-05)]Developmental maturation of human cortical circuits driven by thalamic input in pluripotent stem cell-derived assembloids

Masatoshi Nishimura, Tomoki Kodera, Shota Adachi, Akinori Sato, Ryosuke Takeuchi, Fumitaka Osakada (Nagoya Univ.)

[ST01-09(1P-004)]Aromatic-turmerone analogs activate chaperone-mediated autophagy and enhance dendritic development in primary cultured cerebellar Purkinje cells.

Kensuke Motomura1, Boateng Alex2, Masaharu Sugiura2, Ayumu Konno3, Hirokazu Hirai3, Natsuko Hitora1, Yuki Kurauchi1, Hiroshi Katsuki1, Takahiro Seki4,1 (1.Dept Chemico-Pharmacol Sci, Grad Sch Pharm Sci, Kumamoto Univ, 2.Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci, Sojo Univ, 3.Dept Neurophysiol Neural Repair, Gunma Univ Grad Sch Med, 4.Dept Pharmacol, Fac Pharm Sci, Himeji Dokkyo Univ)

[ST01-10(2P-006)]Mosaic expression of Protocadherin 19 induces abnormal axon sorting of olfactory sensory neurons.

Mayu Hanamoto1, Emi Kiyokage2, Kazunori Toida3, Shuichi Hayashi3 (1.Master’s Program in Health Science and Technology, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, 2.Department of Medical Technology, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, 3.Department of Anatomy, Kawasaki Medical School)

[ST01-11(1O17m-01)]Flexibility of Oxytocin Neuron Activity in Mother Mice Revealed by Fiber Photometry and Microendoscopy

Kasane Yaguchi1,2, Gen-ichi Tasaka1,3, Kazunari Miyamichi1 (1.Laboratory for Comparative Connectomics, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Hyogo, Japan, 2.Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 3.Japan Science and Technology Agency, PRESTO, Saitama, Japan)

[ST01-12(3P-023)]Food-restriction stress in early pregnancy induces the alteration of neurodevelopment and social behavior in rat

Kiki Terui1, Yoshida Sachiko2 (1.Department of Applied Chemistry and Life Science, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan, 2.Centre for Diversity and Inclusion, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan)

[ST01-13(3P-028)]Localization of Cadherin-13 in dorsal and ventral hippocampus

Yuta Nakano, Ryunosuke Naruoka, Manami Yamamoto, Mika Hojo, Jin Nakatani, Toshinori Sawano, Hidekazu Tanaka (Ritsumeikan University)

[ST01-14(2P-022)]Effects of unilateral olfactory deprivation on Mitral cells in the mouse olfactory bulb

Hayato Sumitmo1, Sotatsu Tonomura2, Kazunori Toida2, Emi Kiyokage3 (1.Master’s Program in Health Science and Technology, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, 2.Department of Anatomy, Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki, 3.Department of Medical Technology, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, Kurashiki)

[ST01-16(1P-026)]The neural mechanism of integrating multimodal aversive sensory stimuli information in bed nucleus of the stria terminalis

Yuta Sakuragi1, Xinliang Zhou1, Chiaki Katagiri1, Hiroshi Nomura2, Masabumi Minami1 (1.Department of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan., 2.Department of Cognitive Function and Pathology, Institute of Brain Science, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya, Japan.)

[ST01-17(2P-030)]Glutamate acts as a key neurotransmitter for chronic itch in the medulla dorsal horn of novel atopic dermatitis model mice

Kosuke Matsuda, Masahito Sawahata, Toshiaki Kume, Daisuke Uta (Dept. Appl. Pharmacol, Grad. Sch. Med. & Pharmaceut. Sci, Univ. Toyama)