Session Details
[ST04]Short talk 04
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 4:50 PM - 5:50 PM JST
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 7:50 AM - 8:50 AM UTC
Tue. Mar 18, 2025 7:50 AM - 8:50 AM UTC
Room 7
Oranizers : Atsushi Tamura (Department of Medical Physics and Engineering, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine) and Kazuma Hase (Department of Systems Function and Morphology, University of Toyama)
[ST04-01(2P-072)]Aging, not Parkinson’s disease, decreases a recalibration of body ownership caused by vision-respiratory interaction
○Daiki Shoji1,2, Motoyasu Honma1, Yuri Masaoka1, Momoka Nakayama3, Miku Kosuge4, Shota Kosuge1,2, Yuki Uchida1, Shunsuke Sakakura1, Misako Matsui1, Hidetomo Murakami2, Masahiko Izumizaki1 (1.Department of Physiology, Showa University School of Medicine, 2.Department of Neurology, Showa University School of Medicine, 3.Dentsu Lab Tokyo, 4.Department of Respiratory Medicine, Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital)
[ST04-02(3P-069)]Analysis of local field potentials in the dorsal premotor cortex of the monkey during a shape-manipulation task
○Kotaro Hironaka1, Kazuhiro Sakamoto2,3, Norihiko Kawaguchi3, Hajime Mushiake3, Kazushi Ikeda1 (1.Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 2.Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, 3.Tohoku University School)
[ST04-03(2P-071)]The mutant of Pcdh15, a gene associated with bipolar disorders (BD), induces BD-like behavioral and synaptic transmission abnormalities in mice
○Masaki Kano1, Takuma Kato1, Ayaki Takahashi1, Takahiro Ito1, Miyu Kusumoto1, Mikio Yoshida1, Daisuke Mori2,3, Norio Ozaki3, Akira Yoshimi1, Yukihiro Noda1 (1.Division of Clinical Sciences and Neuropsychopharmacology, Faculty and Graduate School Pharmacy, Meijo University, 2.Brain and Mind Research Center, Nagoya University, 3.Pathophysiology of Mental Disorders, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine)
[ST04-04(1P-074)]Chemogenetic inhibition of microglia attenuates mechanical allodynia induced by prenatal exposure to histone deacetylase inhibitor
○Chiaki Tsuru1,2, Eiji Imado3, Daisuke Uta4, Song Vyryka5,2, Haruna Kurata6,9, Takeru Tahara6, Vo Nguyen5,2, Rei Yokoyama2, Satoshi Asano2,5, Yaichiro Kotake6, Norikazu Kiguchi7, Toshiaki Kume4, Hiroshi Hanamoto3,5,8, Kotaro Tanimoto1,5, Yukio Ago2,5 (1.Dept. Orthodont. Craniofac. Dev. Biol., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health Sci., Hiroshima Univ., 2.Dept. Cell. Mol. Pharmacol., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health Sci., Hiroshima Univ., 3.Dept. Dent. Anesthesiol., Hiroshima Univ. Hosp., 4.Dept. Applied Pharmacol., Fac. Pharmaceut. Sci., Univ. Toyama, 5.Sch. Dent., Hiroshima Univ., 6.Dept. Neurochem. Environ. Health Sci., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health Sci., Hiroshima Univ., 7.Dept. Physiol. Sci., Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Wakayama Med. Univ., 8.Dept. Dent. Anesthesiol., Grad. Sch. Biomed. Health Sci., Hiroshima Univ., 9.Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci., Hiroshima Univ.)
[ST04-05(2P-084)]Assessment of attention during motor activity by multiple event related potentials
○Nguyen Van Cuong1, Hyodo Yayu1, Ito Kenta1, Reika Goto1, Hiroki Kuwamura1, Nguyen Dang Thu1, Tomoyuki Kurose1, Hisao Nishijo2, Susumu Urakawa1 (1.Department of Neurorehabilitation and Emotional Science, Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, 2.Faculty of Human Sciences, University of East Asia)
[ST04-06(2P-085)]Motor dysfunction in neonatal white matter injury indirectly affects cerebellar developmental changes.
○Shiori Tominaga, Cha-Gyun Jung, Naoki Tajiri, Shinya Ueno, Mina Suzuki, Hideki Hida (Department of Neurophysiology and Brain Science, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences)
[ST04-07(2P-087)]Disrupted neuronal processing in limbic-motor circuits causes tic disorders in mice
○Hiroto Kuno1, Natsumi Tsuji1, Kenta Kobayashi2, Toru Takumi1, Yoshihisa Tachibana1 (1.Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, 2.Section of Viral Vector Development, National Institute for Physiological Sciences)
[ST04-08(1P-096)]Analysis of the mechanism of pain relief by pulsed radiofrequency in knee osteoarthritis mouse model
○Momoyu Yamanaka1,2, Yoshihisa Koyama2,3, Tomoo Yuba1, Ayako Takahashi1, Yoichi Matsuda1, Shoichi Shimada2,3 (1.Deparment of Anethesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, 2.Deparment of Neurosience and Call Biology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, 3.Addiction Research Unit, Osaka Psychiatric Research Center, Osaka Psychiatric medical Center)
[ST04-09(3P-102)]Expression changes of mechanosensitive ion channels in trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus and trigeminal ganglion neurons innervating the periodontal ligament by orthodontic force
○Kiyoaki Tagami1,2, Ouchi Takehito2, Kimura Maki2, Kurashima Ryuya2, Nakamura Shiro3, Inoue Tomio3, Shibukawa Yoshiyuki2, Nishii Yasushi1 (1.Tokyo dental college department of orthodontics, 2.Tokyo dental college department of physiology, 3.Showa university department of oral physiology)
[ST04-10(3P-103)]Involvement of sensory neuron-derived neuropeptides in the progression of triple-negative breast cancer
○Hitoshi Makabe1,2, Michiko Narita2, Yusuke Hamada1,2, Yukari Suda1,2, Sakura Sano1,2, Shin Iizuka1,2, Eri Asaba1,2, Kaho Goto1,2, Koki Oseki1,2, Naoko Kuzumaki1,2, Minoru Narita1,2 (1.Dept. Pharmacol., Hoshi Univ., 2.Lab. Cancer Pathophysiol., Natl. Cancer Ctr. Res. Inst.)
[ST04-11(1P-095)]Investigation of the Efficacy of Si-based agent in Mouse Models of Chronic Pain
○Yukiko Arai1,2, Yoshihisa Koyama2,3, Yuki Kobayashi4, Hikaru Kobayashi4, Yuji Fujino1, Shoichi Shimada2,3 (1.Dept. Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Grad. med., Osaka Univ., 2.Dept. Neuroscience and Cell Biology, Grad. med., Osaka Univ., 3.Addiction Res. U., Osaka Psychiatric Res. Ctr., Osaka Psychiatric Med. Ctr., 4.SANKEN, Osaka Univ.)
[ST04-12(2P-097)]Innate liking and disgust reactions elicited by intraoral capsaicin in male mice
○Yibin Han, Daisuke H. Tanaka, Naofumi Uesaka (Institute of Science Tokyo)
[ST04-13(3P-092)]Selective inhibitory effect of photobiomodulation on noxious stimulation-evoked firing in rats
○Naoya Ishibashi1,2, Masahito Sawahata3, Toshiaki Kume3, Daisuke Uta3 (1.Department of Applied Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, 2.Bio-medical Engineering Group, Drug Discovery Laboratory, Teijin Institute for Bio-medical Research, Teijin Pharma Limited, 3.Department of Applied Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama)
[ST04-14(1O19m-03)]Three-Dimensional Ultrastructure and Selective Responses of Club-like Ending Neurons during Vibrissal Active Touch in Rats
○Taiga Muramoto1, Taro Koike2, Takahiro Furuta3, Ehud Ahissar4, Keiko Furuta5, Yosky Kataoka6,7, Mitsuyo Maeda7,8, Asami Eguchi6,7, Masaaki Kitada2, Satomi Ebara1,3 (1.Meiji Univ. of Integrative Med., 2.Kansai Medical Univ., 3.Graduate School of Osaka Univ., 4.Weizmann Institute of Sciense, 5.Graduate School of Kyoto Univ., 6.Graduate School of Kobe Univ., 7.RIKEN BDR, 8.JEOL Co.)
[ST04-15(1O19m-04)]The effect of endoplasmic reticulum stress in phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segment by retinal pigment epithelium
○Hiroto Yasuda, Shinsuke Nakamura, Yoshiki Kuse, Masamitsu Shimazawa (Molecular Pharmacology, Department of Biofunctional Evaluation, Gifu Pharmaceutical University, Gifu, Japan)
[ST04-16(1O19m-07)]Adaptive tactile representations in the rat primary somatosensory cortex during visuotactile interactions
○Kotaro Yamashiro1, Shiyori Tanaka1, Nobuyoshi Matsumoto1,2, Yuji Ikegaya1,2 (1.The University of Tokyo, 2.The Institute for AI and Beyond)